Friday, June 20, 2008

Sleep Deprivation.... Restless Confusion

My mom called me this morning to let me know that she had just returned home from a night at the hospital. The staff called her at home last night to let her knkow that my dad was really confused and anxious and asked her to come up. Mom went up and said he had a restless night. I asked her if she thought it was sleep deprivation and she said yes.

I've always heard jokes and complaints about not getting any rest while you're in the hospital. After watching my dad this past month, I understand it on a whole new level now. Not that anyone is doing anything wrong, they're not, they're just dong their job. But the nights I would go up and spend a couple of hours with him, he would barely be able to keep his eyes open for longer than a 2 minute period. He'd be in a dead sleep within 5 minutes and, low and behold, 10-30 minutes later someone was coming in to silence a beeping monitor, give him medicine, check vitals, do breathing treatments... you name it. There is a lot involved in taking care of a person in my dad's current state. It was painful to me to watch him only get these 30 minute at naps. We all, those of us with kids, remember those early days of infancy when our children didn't understand what it meant to really sleep. When I was getting two hours of sleep at a time, I was an absolute ZOMBIE. I think that was the hardest part about having a baby... the sleep deprivation. My dad is operating on a four week sleep deprivation. Tough.

Please pray for him, and my mom, they are both exhausted.

Thank you for your concern and prayers. They are absolutely priceless.

1 comment:

Clean & Simple Crafts! said...

Hi Jenny. I'm sorry to hear your Dad isn't doing much better. Please know that you and yours are in our prayers. We love you! Let me know if I can help in any way - like keeping the kids for you. Amy