Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Dad is feeling better.

My dad has received two units of blood and a couple of different IV antibiotics. He was due to have another unit of blood and a different antibiotic tonight. Mom said that he looks so much better. Determining the cause of his anemia hasn't been addressed. I'm not sure the implications of it all. My understanding at this point is that it's either due to a lack of producing red blood cells, or it's an issue of internal bleeding somewhere. It seems as though finding internal bleeding isn't as easy as it appears on TV med shows. And diagnosing and treating blood production issues doesn't seem to be much simpler. I am unclear as to whether this could be one of those 'wait and see' issues that may end up resolving themselves. I am assuming that they're trying to get his pneumonia and anemia addressed and stable, then moving forward from there.

My mom is still tired, but such a trooper. She is an amazing care-giver, wife, mom, and nurturer. I'm happy that my dad has her at his side. More prayers for my mom would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all for your emails of concern and support. It truly is overwhelming to receive the love and concern from so many. For now, there really is nothing that can be done, other than prayer. Wait and see is where we're at, I think.

Again, thank you all so much for your care and concern! What a blessing you all are in our lives!

Many hugs to you and yours,

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